Your audio is timeless.

Cassette tapes are not.

Your cassette audio
digitally remastered
5-7 day turnaround

60 min.

  • Conversion to digital, with noise reduction where possible

  • Download – 44.1 KHz .WAV and 320 mbps .MP3

  • Download available for 12 months

  • OPTION: Gold Archival Quality Compact Disc, Add $10

  • OPTION: Thumb Drive of .WAV and .MP3, Add $15

  • Return shipping included (continental U.S. only)

90-120 min.

  • Conversion to digital, with noise reduction where possible

  • Download – 44.1 KHz .WAV and 320 mbps .MP3

  • Download available for 12 months

  • OPTION: Gold Archival Quality Compact Disc, Add $10

  • OPTION: Thumb Drive of .WAV and .MP3, Add $15

  • Return shipping included (continental U.S only)

How It Works

  • Fill out the order form on our website.

  • Receive shipping instructions via email.

  • Send us your cassette(s) as directed.

  • We process your audio according to your order.

  • We email you an invoice and an audio sample to review.

  • You pay your invoice.

  • We ship your original cassette(s) back to you, along with any digital hard copies you have ordered (CDs, thumb drive)

  • If for any reason we are unable to achieve a satisfactory result, we will invoice you for return shipping cost only and send back your originals.

Copyright © 2024 ZS Media Services / The Rhys Group. All Rights Reserved.